ECA Executive Board meets in Istanbul
Categories:ECA News
ECA News
On Monday 6 and Tuesday 7 September, ECA Member Clubs will meet for the 26th ECA General Assembly in Geneva, Switzerland. The Assembly will bring the leading clubs of Europe back together again after the turbulence of recent months. It will be the first to feature in-person plenary sessions since September 2019, though a small number of clubs will still need to join virtually due to Covid-19 restrictions, as they did in the previous two meetings.
The General Assembly will see the coming together of ECA Member Clubs and more football stakeholders than ever before at an ECA General Assembly including FIFA, UEFA, the Leagues, FIFPRO, players and fan representatives. Attendees will discuss paths towards the continuing reform and rebuild of European football post the Covid-19 Pandemic, give a mandate to ECA’s representatives at the UEFA Convention on the Future of European Football, and hear new ECA Chairman Nasser Al-Khelaifi lay out ECA’s vision and objectives for the Association going forwards.
The full agenda will include:
The opening of the General Assembly, namely the addresses by the ECA Chairman and Presidents of the major governing bodies, will be streamed live on ECA’s YouTube channel from 15:00 CET on Monday 6 September.