"Women’s football is on the verge of becoming truly professional."
Categories:ECA News
ECA Media Release
The ECA Executive Board met in St. Petersburg on 20-21 May to discuss its ongoing priorities, including the future direction of UEFA Club Competitions.
ECA is made up of clubs from across all European countries who regularly play in UEFA Club Competitions and who therefore share a direct interest in their development. Our role in shaping the future of these competitions is fundamental.
We are approaching the process currently being led by UEFA on the future of the Club Competitions with the aim of evolving a vision for a fair, balanced and representative model which will be of more benefit to the club game across all of Europe, from the smallest to the biggest clubs.
Our fundamental belief is that clubs in all European countries who are good enough to develop and play regularly in European competitions should have the chance to do so.
We believe in a football ecosystem where more games of quality can take place on the European stage at all levels. We believe in greater diversity and financial stability across the competitions and improving the competitiveness of teams across the professional game. We believe in a broader and deeper base of clubs competing and developing over time, so that more can progress through the ranks and compete for honours at the highest levels.
We therefore welcome and support the principles of UEFA’s reform initiative to ensure that the UEFA Club Competitions continue to grow and develop their position as the best football system in the world and this is why we are engaging in a constructive and proactive manner with UEFA.
The Executive Board is looking forward to meeting with ECA members at the Special ECA General Assembly to be held on 6-7 June in Malta to further discuss, share and exchange views on the development of UEFA Club Competitions post 2024.