This week saw the launch of the brand-new ECA Women on Board Programme (ECA WBP), with the first session kicking off at ECA Headquarters in Nyon. 15 women from the ECA football Family, currently holding positions on ECA Working Groups, Taskforces and Committees have been invited to participate in a bespoke programme aimed at further encouraging female participation at the highest level of the European game.  

Conceived by ECA Campus and a key component of the ECA Sustainability Strategy, ECA is collaborating with Women in Football (WIF) to deliver an initiative designed to break down barriers and leverage education as a catalyst for change. 

The multifaceted programme features a combination of intensive, intimate face-to-face and online sessions focused on skill development and discussion, complemented by peer coaching. Through this bespoke approach, the goal is to build a network of connected and inspired women, equipped and empowered to step into influential roles. 

ECA CEO Charlie Marshall opened the session explaining just how important the ECA Women on Board Programme is in driving women’s inclusion at the very highest levels of the game. “We are delighted to host the kick-off of the inaugural ECA Women on Board Programme here in Nyon. ECA is determined to foster an environment of inclusivity, and this programme is an important step in empowering our members to drive change and offer diversity at board level within the European game.”

Reflecting on the programme kick-off, participant Denise Heinemann, Sustainability Team Lead at FC Bayern Munich added. “This course is an example of ECA not only talking about it but taking action. It isn't about quota or trying to implement certain positions but also trying to empower women from the bottom up, that is what they are doing. So far, it's been great. It's been great to meet all these inspiring women. We are all so different but can really learn from each other and that is something I really cherish."

This overall initiative is aligned with ECA’s recent Governance Reforms and wider KPIs to ensure a boost in inclusion and diversity within the European club football ecosystem. Current ECA Vice-Chair and AC Sparta Praha club representative Martina Pavlová  is participating in the current edition and offered her own valuable insights. She believes that the ECA WBP can be a true catalyst for change at the top tier of European football management.  
“ECA has played a vital role in my own career development, and I am so happy to be a part of the ECA Women on Board Programme as the tailored and personal approach ensures we are empowered with the right tools, knowledge, skills and community needed to secure our place in leading football matters. This programme is making a statement to proactively encourage diversity and inclusivity at the very top of European clubs.”       

Furthermore, the initiative is instrumental to ECA’s wider sustainability goals concerning equality and inclusion within the industry. Gaia Pretner, ECA Head of Sustainability added; “The inaugural ECA Women on Board Programme will form a key component of the implementation of ECA Sustainability strategy around equality, diversity & inclusion. By 2027, ECA is targeting 25% female representation on its own board, and 40% representation within its working groups. By preparing the next generation of female leaders in football we are ensuring that there are optimal provisions in place to reach our goals in 2027 and beyond.”  
Next, participants will engage in online sessions on the topics of Leading Others, Personal Branding and Networking. Furthermore, together with peer coaching sessions, participants will be invited to take part in experiential learning and networking opportunities at the 31st ECA General Assembly in Athens next month.

Should you be interested to learn more about this initiative, or any other ECA Campus programme, please contact