24th ECA General Assembly cancelled
Categories:ECA News
ECA News
The COVID-19 crisis is destabilising our countries, our people and our sports. We know it will take some time to get things under control and we know that taking responsibility along with decisive action is needed now, more than ever. For the good of our society and for the good of the game, our number one priority is to prevent the spread of the virus. ECA is working on your behalf to ensure the right decisions are made in the short term to achieve this.
We are engaging constantly with governing bodies and stakeholders to make collective decisions. We know the first step is to stop the virus from spreading, whatever it takes. Then we can focus on the longer term consequences.
The time has come for the football community to unite and use the strength of football as one of the most powerful social tools to support efforts to overcome this crisis. We will focus all our efforts in this endeavour. We are with you, our members, and remain at your complete disposal. For now, #staysafe and #staystrong.